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Introduction to Various Dust Control Methods in Workshops

In the manufacturing process, workshops can produce a significant amount of gases and dust that are harmful to humans and the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to handle workshop dust with caution. Inhaling printing dust into the lungs often leads to pneumoconiosis, posing a serious threat to employees' health; if directly discharged outdoors, it could have an impact on the surrounding environment. Below, Shanghai Sanchuan will introduce you to various types of dust removal equipment for handling different kinds of dust:

  1. Cyclone dust removal is generally suitable for treating larger and heavier dust particles. It has low one-time investment costs, simple operation management, and convenient dust collection.

  2. Wet dust removal is suitable for treating all kinds of dust. Its capture efficiency is also high, with low investment costs and operating expenses, and simple operation and management. However, the collected dust has a higher water content. This dust must be dehydrated if it needs to be reused; otherwise, direct disposal will cause secondary pollution to the environment, so this method is rarely used.

  3. Bagged dust removal has a purification efficiency second only to electrostatic dust removal. Bagged dust removal has low energy consumption, no secondary pollution, high efficiency in collecting and processing dust, especially for fine dust, which can reach above 95% efficiency, and easy cleaning. The work is stable, convenient for recycling dry materials without mud treatment or corrosion issues, and maintenance is simple. This dust does not have adhesiveness or moisture, and the dust temperature will not drop below the temperature, using this dust remover will not cause bag blockage.

  4. Filter cartridge dust removal has a purification efficiency second only to electrostatic dust removal. Filter cartridge dust removal has low energy consumption, no secondary pollution, large filtering area, low investment cost, high efficiency in collecting and processing dust, especially for fine dust, which can reach above 95% efficiency, and easy cleaning. The work is stable, convenient for recycling dry materials without mud treatment or corrosion issues, and maintenance is simple. This dust does not have adhesiveness or moisture, and the dust temperature will not drop below the temperature, using this dust remover will not cause bag blockage. 



Contact: Tony wu

Phone: +86 13918891309

E-mail: info@vhich.com


Add: Building A1, No.688 North Huan Cheng Road, Nanqiao Town, Fengxian District, Shanghai, China